Saturday, April 4, 2015

Updates About the Miracles of Coffee 
It seems that all-of-a-sudden over the last few months there has been an enormous amount of news about the benefits of drinking coffee. The latest says that researchers have found it lowers your risk of getting liver cancer. Of course we all know it wakes you up in the morning and makes you feel more alert, but coffee also appears to help fight toxins in the body and reduce inflammation in the liver along with lots of other areas as well.

Coffee contains around a thousand antioxidants, and when you roast the coffee beans a few hundred more develop. That's more than green tea or cocoa, both of which are supposed to be the greatest superstars of antioxidants. Antioxidants fight inflammation, not only in the liver but they're also a great help with heart disease, arthritis, dementia and many cancers. Plus, there are a bunch of nutrients in coffee, including niacin, magnesium, potassium, manganese, riboflavin and pantothenic acid just to name a few.

Several studies report that coffee decreases Type 2 diabetes and reduces the risk of breast, prostate, endometrial, colon and rectal cancer.

Coffee not only wakes your brain up in the morning, it also helps your memory and concentration, actually making you at least seem to be a little smarter. 

Coffee also enhances your exercise performance by battling fatigue. It staves off depression by activating neurotransmitters in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. It helps you burn away far, and there's even a study that says coffee decreases your chances of getting gout!

For all its good points, there are some negatives. For some people coffee causes irritability and nervousness, and we all know it can cause insomnia and keep you awake at night. Switching to decaf can moderate these symptoms, but you may not get all of the above benefits since caffeine plays a part in some of them. 

How much coffee you can drink safely depends on the individual. For some, one or two cups is the limit; for others four or more each day is no problem. If you're looking for the benefits though, stay away from the sugary fat-filled varieties and stick with basic black or maybe with some added skim milk. Otherwise, you'll negate a lot of the advantages and put yourself at risk with additional health problems instead of the extraordinary benefits of this miraculous and unique beverage.

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